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About MrsMommy923

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  • Well this is frustrating...

    @OurDinosaur @khop330 so after almost 18 years together, we are most likely calling it quits after this baby is born. I feel literally feel like I’m drowning. I’m going to be a single mom with 3 kids. Unless he gives me a boatload of money or the house...I have no place to go. I’m trying not to let the girls see my fear and pain but the tears don’t stop streaming. My face is raw from the salt in my tears, I can barely see out of my eyes and my lips are extremely dry. I’m trying to eat a little here and there and keep up with water, but it’s hard. I feel like a shit mom to this little innocent baby already. 
  • HCG levels rising fast

    With my second baby, my hcg was a little over 10,000 at 5 weeks. With my 3rd, it was a little over 26,000 at 6 weeks. All just single pregnancies. There is such a wide range of hcg levels during the early weeks. Wishing you well!
  • Well this is frustrating...

    @OurDinosaur @khop330 @Lic @MrsR2014 Merry Christmas ladies! So relieved to start my period this morning! Although I have been quite moody today...ugh. I hope you all had a lovely holiday! I made the girls a tumbling/playroom in the basement...it was their favorite gift! Trampoline, slide, gym mats, large foam building blocks, and a balance beam...hours of fun!
  • Well this is frustrating...

    Update @OurDinosaur @khop330 @Lic @MrsR2014 so what’s going on with my body, I don’t believe is a possible pregnancy. My tests are still negative at 12dpo. The bizarre thing is, yesterday my OPKs were blazing dark right? Then at 10:20pm I started feeling crampy and it kept getting worse, to the point I was in fetal position on the couch, rocking, while clutching my vag and stomach. Severe pain for about 30 mins. Took an OPK this morning and much lighter. I was still achy, but cervix has dropped a little. Also I had EWCM the whole time I was spotting. Now I barely have any cm and it’s creamy. Soooo what do YOU think...did I ovulate super late on CD 36? Do you think I had a cyst rupture? Would that cause my OPKs to be positive? Do I consider my 2 days of light spotting my period, even though it was only there when I occasionally wiped? Nothing on a panty liner. Thoughts?
  • Does implantation dip mean you are pregnant?

    No need to be rude @Yayen...we look to each other for help and support and from that we gain knowledge.
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