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About MrsMommy923

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  • Asking for a friend- need eyes

    Thanks for looking ladies! She took another strip test the next day and there was a more noticeable line with a hint of pink. But then she took a first response early results and was negative. She’s a week late but maybe she didn’t ovulate when she thought she did. 
  • Start of something? Need your eyes

    @Lulu thank you! I am so much happier and the kids are adjusting much better than I thought. 
    I kept in touch with @OurDinosaur for awhile through email but it’s it’s been a few years. And another on Instagram too. If @MrsJoy or @Lic are still on here, it would be great to catch up!
  • irrational

    @Ted i was confused too because I haven’t seen any posts like that…other than mine asking if anyone HAS gotten pregnant on the mini pill before. That’s why I wanted to clear up that I am not TRYING but sometimes there are those situations that happen and oops. 
  • irrational

    That’s typically not the case @mommii3. For me, I’m on the mini pill so I don’t get pregnant. However, we know that it isn’t always 100% reliable. People are also human. Sometimes miscalculations happen and pregnancy occurs while on birth control. Just don’t jump to conclusions about people and their intentions, that’s all. While I don’t intend on having another baby (I have 3 from my ex), if I did end up pregnant with my current man, we would love that baby to pieces. It’s something that has been discussed. All I’m saying is, to each his own. If people (like me) feel the need to test early, so be it. If people on birth control make a miscalculation or forget a pill, cut them some slack instead of jumping down their throat. We are human. This app isn’t JUST for people who are trying to conceive. I used it to get pregnant before but now I use it as documentation and to keep track of cycles. And for support if I do have a concern or question. 
  • Start of something? Need your eyes

    I just bought a ton of frer tests lol and one digital so I will test tonight and again in the morning and as needed. 
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