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  • Secondary infertility

    Yes I've been through this. My eldest took 2 yrs to conceive. My 2nd took 3 months to conceive, he was born when my daughter was 22 months. 
    When he turned 3 we started trying for no3. Nothing. Not a mc, not a faint line on a test. Nothing. 
    After 5 yrs we fell pregnant but at the 12wk scan we discovered baby had passed at 10 wks. I would then go onto have another 4 losses over 4 yrs at 11, 5, 7 and 18wks in 2020. 
    It was only after losing my son at 18wks that I felt I was actually given any help. As I had 2 living children I wasn't really offered any testing or help. As I didn't tell my gp I was pregnant with my 5wk loss they didn't have "3 registered losses on my file" to push for help after the '3 loss rule'. I was told I'd have to have another loss to be referred. After my 7wk loss I was told I'd have bloods and an internal scan. I only got the bloods- which showed nothing. 
    In 2021 I finally had my baby girl- she'll be 2 this August. I don't know if it was sheer luck that she stayed with me or the fact I was given progesterone throughout my pregnancy but she's here. (I was only given the progesterone because a postmortem showed I lost my son due to the placenta failing).

    The only thing I was told to do with some of my pregnancies to help was to take a low dose of aspirin but I had losses and had my baby whilst taking it so didn't know if that actually works. 

    So my advice- once you've tried for 11/12 months, seek help. If you do conceive again tell your GP ASAP so that godforbid you loose the baby, it's been registered incase you do go onto have multiple losses. Don't be afraid to seek a different doctors opinion if your not happy with advice your given. Take prenatal vitamins now so that you can't be fobbed off with "go away and take prenatals for 6 months then if your still not pregnant come back to me". With your age ask if you can have any blood tests to see of there's anything going on. 

    Sorry for the essay but I hope this gives you some advise moving forward x
  • Any advice welcome

    I don't think the worry ever goes away I'm afraid hun. As long as you can look yourself in the eye and know that you've done everything you can (which you have) then all you can do is try to relax and believe that this time all will be ok. I have 3 children but my youngest (1 and a half) took 8 years of trying in which time I had 5 back to back losses. She was the only pregnancy I was given Cyclogest for, I don't know if she's here because of it or not but it's too big of a coincidence for me not to believe it helped. 
    I used to say to myself "I'm pregnant today" and would 'try' and relax to get through that day. The days turned to "I'm 10 weeks, now I'm 11 weeks, I've made it to 12 weeks" and so on. 
    Good luck and take it a day/week at a time x
  • For anyone thinking of giving up....

    Each time I suffered a loss certain people around me told me to stop trying, 5 losses and 8 years later I'm so glad I didn't quit- my precious rainbow has turned my life around! Don't give up, it's draining, emotional, hard, painful physically and mentally but you never know if that 'one more try' will be worth it all xx

  • Ladies made it to 16 weeks today my gender is Sunday cant wait see

    Good luck for tomorrow hun! Can't wait to hear your exciting news xx
  • Anyone else wonder where @Hopefully34 has been

    She commented on her post on Saturday so it's not been too long- fingers crossed she's just relaxing and looking forward to her upcoming scan appointment x
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